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   来源:广州东朝传媒    日期:2019-11-04 12:08:46
导读:中国古钱币源远流长,品种纷繁,从商代的贝币国的刀币和布币、秦代的方孔圆钱,到清末的机制币,数以万种千姿百态的钱币构成了当今集币领域最为庞大的收藏门类。而清代银币由于其背面大多有条龙,故称 "龙洋 "。

China's ancient coins have a long history and a wide variety of products. From the currency and currency of the foreign currency of the Shang Dynasty, to the square hole of the Qin Dynasty, to the mechanism currency of the late Qing Dynasty, tens of thousands of coins of various forms constitute the largest collection of coins in the world today. Collection of categories. In the Qing Dynasty, silver coins were called "Long Yang" because they had a dragon on the back.


According to the Qing Dynasty's "Currency System", the "Xuan Tong Years" series of national currency has not been adopted by the Qing government, but has been redesigned a variety of "Xuan Tong three years" version of the sample currency. Among these sample coins, the new Daqing Guocoin was finally born, and the various types of these trial-made coins are the best in Longyang.


In each version of the main currency of the round denomination, the frontal pattern is basically the same: the center is the word "Da Qing Yin Coin", and the lower end is "Xuan Tong three years"; and the back of the coin body is the main difference: plus the final adopted " In the case of Qu Xulong, the sample coins can be divided into five models according to the style of the dragon and the dragon.


This collection of Xuantong three-year-old silver coins is now hidden by Mr. Wu. Inside the bead circle is the Chinese character "Da Qing Yin Coin". The script is dignified and heavy, and it is full of royal ceremonies. The left and right sides are lined with long-flowered chrysanthemums. The book is full of "Da Qingyin Coins" and the next book "Xuan Tong Three Years".

直径:3.9cm 厚:0.22cm 重:18.6g

Diameter: 3.9cm Thickness: 0.22cm Weight: 18.6g

背面曲须飞龙环绕,中书汉字壹圆币值,下书英文“ONE DOLLAR”(壹圆)币值,龙身周围祥云围绕。蟠龙沿边缘自左向右腾云而起,龙头居上,龙珠在“圆”字下方,龙眼凹突,鼻梁俏上。

The back of the song is surrounded by dragons, the Chinese characters in the Chinese book are round and round, and the English version of "ONE DOLLAR" (壹圆) is the value of the coins. The dragon climbs from the left to the right along the edge, and the dragon head is on the top. The dragon ball is under the word "circle", the longan is concave and the nose is pretty.


The dragon is a mythical animal with ancient scales, claws, and wind and rain. For thousands of years, the dragon has been worshipped by the descendants of the billionaires as a symbol of the Chinese nation. The artistic image of the dragon has become an important subject of traditional decoration in China. It has left immortal shapes on many buildings and artifacts from ancient times to the present. Looking for the dragon's trail on the coin as a symbol of wealth, this is probably one of the reasons why collectors love the big silver coin.


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