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   来源:广州东朝传媒   日期:2019-10-17 12:13:29


Ancient people will enjoy it, and they will pay attention to the status and honor. Therefore, the use of metal chopsticks is popular among large families and celebrities and nobles to show their nobleness. What we are most familiar with is silver chopsticks. Silver chopsticks have been favored for thousands of years since the Tang Dynasty. In addition to being durable and beautiful in color, it is mainly believed by folks to be anti-virus.

其实,以银测毒并不可靠。只有接触砒霜、山萘、氰化钾等硫化物时,银筷会失去光泽而发黑,以示有毒。如接触皮蛋、臭腐乳、咸菜、蛋黄等,银筷也会变黑。河豚毒、毒荤毒、发芽的马铃薯(洋山 芋)中的龙葵毒、变质青菜中的硝酸盐等,因不产生硫化物,即使银模久久插入也不会发黑。所以,银筷验毒之说是不科学的。

In fact, testing for silver is not reliable. Only when exposed to sulphur such as arsenic, mountain naphthalene or potassium cyanide, silver chopsticks will lose their luster and become black, indicating poison. Such as contact with preserved eggs, rotten fermented bean curd, pickles, egg yolk, etc., silver chopsticks will also turn black. The tetrodotoxin, the poisonous scorpion venom, the germinated potato in the germinated potato (Yangshan 芋), the nitrate in the degraded green vegetables, etc., do not produce sulphide, even if the silver mold is inserted for a long time, it will not be black. Therefore, the test of silver chopsticks is unscientific.


But there is no doubt that silver chopsticks have become a unique historical beauty in ancient times and continue to this day. China has the custom of using silver chopsticks for thousands of years, so the silver chopsticks are more and more beautiful. Mr. Zhang, a Tibetan friend, has collected a pair of spin-colored plum chopsticks, Hengxing (model).

长:20.5cm 重:43.6g

Length: 20.5cm Weight: 43.6g


In addition to the silver chain, each silver chopstick is engraved with fine swirls and plum blossoms. The five petals of plum blossoms are clearly visible in texture, and there are many triangular patterns to add beauty.


This ingenious design can be described as unique, this is the treasure of silver chopsticks. Since chopsticks are always paired, they have evolved into important dowry. When the ancients got married, they would use chopsticks as a thing of affection. Two chopsticks meant whiteheads, and ten pairs of chopsticks meant perfection.


To check the listening method of silver chopsticks, you can use the two fingers of the thumb to hold the silver chopsticks, and hit them with the strips. Generally, the sound with high color is fine and long, and it is pleasing to the ear; in hardness identification, the higher the color, the smaller the hardness and the softer the body.


Chopsticks are not only the Chinese people's dietary tools, but also a Chinese symbol, a Chinese expression, and a cultural heritage of the Chinese nation's 5,000-year history. The double "swirl plum silver chopsticks" not only shows the spirit of artisans, but also has historical significance, with collection value and ornamental value. If you are interested in collecting the above collections, please feel free to contact Guangzhou Dongchao Media!


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