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   来源:广州东朝文化   日期:2019-11-11 12:26:14
导读:中国的茶文化源远流长,而茶的载体就是茶具,在众多的茶具中以紫砂壶为贵。紫砂方器传世较少,而经典的六方传器更少。一方顶三圆,紫砂方器比圆器更难做,是重要原因。The tea culture in China has a lo

The tea culture in China has a long history, and the carrier of tea is tea set. In many tea sets, the teapot is expensive. The purple sand square is handed down less, and the classic hexagonal transmitter is less. One side is three rounds, and the purple sand square is harder to do than the round one, which is an important reason.


Chen Mansheng, the Qing Dynasty engraver Chen Hongshou (1768~1822), is the most famous person in designing the teapot. He is the leading figure of the second generation of Chinese teapot masters. He is famous for his "Mansheng pot", especially for future generations. .

底径:9cm 口径:7.3cm 高:12.5cm

Bottom diameter: 9cm Caliber: 7.3cm Height: 12.5cm


The above is the dragon's first six-square pot brought by Ms. Yang. The shape is simple and unique. The bottom part is “Chen Mansheng”. The processing of the corners of the square is the primary factor for the performance of the teapot, especially the treatment of obtuse angles and large rounded corners.


The tall body is made of dragons, and the pot handle is also dragon-shaped. There are six dragon turtles in the body. The color is golden, the dragon pattern is delicate, and it looks like a forward. The dragon tortoise is the six sons of the dragon, also known as 赑屃, turtle, fill, tyrants, etc. It is a mythical beast in ancient Chinese legends. It looks like a turtle, likes to bear weight, is a symbol of longevity and good fortune.


The dragon neck sculpture has delicate scales, and the dragon head has a curved pot flow, and the pot body is beautiful. The shape of the whole device is rigorous and the production is fine. It is a masterpiece in the geometric square.


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