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   来源:广州东朝文化   日期:2019-11-06 18:08:21

When people saw meteors in ancient times, they would make their wishes to it. At that time, they might not know that the so-called meteor was a meteorite. The meteorites fall into the earth and are divided into four categories, namely, meteorites, iron meteorites, stone iron meteorites, and glass meteorites.


Scientific research proves that glass vermiculite is the product of the liquid cooling after the melting of some stone meteorites. The mother stone of the glass meteorite is light green and black. Therefore, the falling of the glass meteorite is carried out together with the mother stone.


The picture below is a piece of glass meteorite that Guangzhou Dongchao Culture had the privilege to find. It is irregular and has a weak magnetic property.

重:181g(Weight: 181g)


The edges of the natural glass meteorite pores are sharp, directional and of varying shades. Under the magnified observation, the flow structure is very dense and the curve is large, just like the convection formed when the water heater is boiled. When staring at it, it looks like it is flowing. The internal high purity is free of impurities, and the whole body is covered with dense small. Bubbles, the outside has a shell.


Glass meteorites are of the same shape as other meteorites. They are mainly droplets, dumbbells, irregulars and button-like shapes. Most of them are semi-transparent vitreous, with weak magnetic properties. The color is divided into dark green and light green. Brown, brown, and rare beige and so on. This glass meteorite is very precious and scarce.


In the last ten years, with the increasing popularity of meteorite knowledge, the number of people who want to collect is increasing, and the odd goods can be found. The domestic asking price is sometimes even higher than the international price. Many museums and research institutions in the world are also full of great interest in meteorites. They have been working on the research of their stars and times, and further promoted the economic value of meteorites。


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